Chronic Illness Warrior Chloe and her YUYU – YUYU EU

Chronic Illness Warrior Chloe and her YUYU

We were able to speak to Chloe who was happy to share with us her story as a chronic illness warrior
I'm Chloe and I'm 23 and suffer from numerous chronic and physical health conditions but I'm going to talk about the main one I use my YUYU Bottle to help with.

I suffer Crohn's Disease which is apart of an illness called IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease). I was diagnosed in 2016 at the age of 20 after having emergency surgery to remove my large bowel and create my ileostomy, I had to learn how to live with my bag, something I hadn't even heard of before. I was then stable for around a year and a half later, around the end of 2018 at the age 22 I had further surgery to have a protocolectomy where my rectum was removed and my bag made permanent, at the same time my stoma was also refashioned due to prolapsing, at this point I had been using my YUYU Bottle for around 6 months and the little bit of relief i got from using it was that little bit easier.  But then come end of 2019 I needed another ostomy refashion due to my ileostomy retracting back inside my body. And now we're in 2020 and I am currently waiting for the 4th surgery to have my ileostomy refashioned again due to it prolapsing, and my YUYU Bottle has been my life saver.

The YUYU Bottle is such an amazing invention. I spend a lot of time in pain whether that be abdominal pain or joint pain etc, being able to wrap my YUYU Bottle around the selected area and still go about my day the best I can helps so much. I recommended the YUYU Bottle to everyone and if you are thinking of getting one don't hesitate; it will change your life.

I'm not gonna lie, having to fight a constant battle everyday with different illnesses is hard and you can't always see the illness and so get judged by people. There is such a massive stigma around stomas but it saved my life and they help a lot of people have that little bit better quality of life, i have a very much love-hate relationship with my stoma, I didnt choose to have this life this life choose me. But knowing I'm not alone in the fight of chronic illness does help.
Chloe x

Chloe sadly passed away December 2020, and we leave this blog post up in memory of her. Thank you, and we send love to her family and friends.
Chloe's instagram: chloeeeea_xx
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