YUYU sends 1000 MORE hugs to our heroes on the frontline! – YUYU EU

YUYU sends 1000 MORE hugs to our heroes on the frontline!


As we all clap our NHS heroes, British company YUYU Bottle, made famous for inventing the world’s first full body-length hot and cold water bottle, is sending out hundreds of the most beautiful hugs to the frontline.
The eco-friendly brand that is usually found draped over VIPs at some of the most prestigious hotels in the world, such as Claridges and The Ritz, started their initial giveaway on their Instagram page in late March, with 100 bottles.
Now, having been inspired by the heartfelt responses from the winners, writing in to thank the company for sending them a little bit of warmth and comfort to come home to after their long shifts, YUYU has decided to donate 1000 more products.
One of the winning nominators wrote: “I’d like to nominate Claire Bluemel for a YUYU bottle. Claire is part of the team leading the resourcing for the pandemic for Guy’s and St Thomas’ and who’s managing the team who respond to unwell patients. She wouldn’t be anywhere else right now. Also she’s an NHS Nightingale award holder.”
Founder of YUYU, Richard Yu, said: “When we discovered that the PM was being cared for at St Thomas’ Hospital, we got in touch with Claire and asked her if we could send her nursing team more bottles, to which she agreed.” Claire added: “The support we’ve had from businesses and members of the public has been incredible and gives us all a massive boost. I just want to say thank you and ask that people stay home to help us save lives and protect the NHS.”

“This is a tough time for everyone, but there will be light at the end of the tunnel, hopefully twinkling soon!”

Claire Bluemel, Deputy Head of Nursing, Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital

Jen, a paramedic shared a picture of her wrapping her long hot water bottle around her and wrote on her Instagram page @jenhome51: “When I received the message to say I had won a YUYU bottle I was over the moon! To lighten the mood of NHS workers during this extremely challenging time. There were over 3000 entries and I was one of the lucky winners. I’m so delighted! In my line of work, back pain and fatigue come hand in hand, so being able to wrap this little beauty around my aching muscles after a long shift is like a dream come true! I highly recommend if you suffer from back pain or just want an amazingly long hot water bottle to cuddle into."
At 81cm long, the YUYU Bottle can wrap around you like a hug, thanks to a unique design feature. As well as hot water, it can also be filled with cold or iced water to cool you down.

Medical practitioners have known for a while hugs can have a positive physiological effect on our wellbeing.

Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in 2014, found that hugs can actually boost our immune system which in turn can help us fight infection. [1]
“The giveaway gave us a non-intrusive connection, which in turn allowed us to return messages of comfort, appreciation and support, directly to thousands of NHS heroes. One of the nurses I was replying to told me that they felt like a VIP as she was clapped and encouraged to the front of the supermarket queue that morning.” said Yu.

Georgia, a midwife, shared a note saying:

“Absolutely exhausted after a long week at work but now, as I am apparently unable to switch off from the job, I’m watching [Call the Midwife] whilst the hubby is cooking me dinner. So grateful for my @yuyubottle”

Yu closes off by saying: “We are a small company and have had to furlough staff like so many others. As a CEO, during these challenging times it’s hard to know what the future will hold and planned forecasts of the road ahead have turned into spaghetti junctions. I feel a sense of responsibility to give something back where I can and keep moving in what I feel is the right direction.”

View the NHS post here

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Contact us: marketing@yuyubottle.com

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