Equestrian and Endowarrior Georgia

My journey is a long and complicated one.

I have been riding and competing since the age of 6, riding was and still is my passion. As a child I would sleep, breathe and dream horses so it was destined way before I could walk that I would be a horse mad girl! 

As soon as my periods started they seemed far from norm, I was an early starter at around age 7 and I would often miss a lot of school and unfortunately riding lessons. 

It's around the time I turned 12 I started getting generalised body pain also. But this was just assumed to be 'growing pains' and my previous hip rotation trying to straighten itself out as I grew. I was put on birth control at 12 and just put my head down and knuckled down through school the best I could, whilst riding every week and being a member of the team school show jumping which I helped arrange and promote. 

After working freelance and riding many horses, in 2014 I decided to knuckle down and start eventing which is when my horse, Junior, came into the story! 

Around this time my periods and chronic pain worsened, I dropped out of college in my second year due to pain and problems with my mobility. But I tried to better myself through riding regardless of the pain I was facing day to day. 

In December 2019 I was finally diagnosed with stage 2 endometriosis following my diagnosis with ME and Fibromyalgia, my diagnosis was a huge relief to me but also bittersweet. It meant I had to change my life to fit around my body and that meant work and riding. My YUYU bottle has been a huge lifesaver for me, it comes everywhere with me including the yard and to shows. It's so handy to have a hot water bottle that I can wear when I'm on the go to help my cramps and fibro pains at bay. 

2020 holds some interesting plans for me, I am hoping to get back into eventing and I am hoping the rules to grading will change so I can compete under a para title. Until then I keep working 110% to be the best I can be, chronically Ill or not! 

Follow Georgia and Flash Junior on their journey @bandmastertales

See what's new on YUYU here

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