YUYU Bottle featured in Elle Decor Italia


"With the turn of the new year the impression is that spring is just around the corner, but to tell the truth we have just arrived at the halfway point of the winter season and temperatures continue undaunted to make us want to spend Sundays on the couch under the covers. An unsuspected ally of the coldest days can become the hot water bottle, an accessory that - often linked to memories of sickly moments - can instead become the perfect design object to face the cold days both indoors and, if you want, outdoors.

The history of the hot water bottle has been dealt with in depth by Low Tech magazine, which traces its origins and uses in various cultures. Above all, it suggests contemporary uses that could make winter life much more comfortable (and energy sustainable) with a few tricks. The principle is simple: why heat the entire air of an environment, even sometimes outside, when it would be enough to heat people by conduction? Schools, offices, bars and restaurants could adopt the hot water bottle to cope with the coldest periods - especially in this post-pandemic phase of perpetually open windows and aperitifs in improvised outdoor areas.

The writer of this article uses one under his feet during the afternoons at the computer in smartworking, thus avoiding to keep the heating on all day, but waiting for a collective revolution that unbundles the hot water bottle even in public, we have collected five of the most disparate forms for those who in recent weeks have been convinced to want one." Translated


English translation follows

"Un altro formato abbastanza popolare, ma non poi così presente nell'immaginario comune della borsa dell'acqua calda, è quello lungo. Si tratta quindi di una sorta di cilindrone caldo che si può così praticamente “indossare” avvolgendolo in vita o attorno al collo, per esempio quando si legge sul divano o si hanno dolori da alleviare in diverse parti del corpo. Questa di YUYU Bottle è lunga un po' più di 80 cm, ha la sua custodia di cotone con un laccio e un'asola che permettono quindi di chiuderla a ciambella, e il corpo della borsa è in gomma biodegradabile. Sul sito si trova anche questa di Mer Sea & Co. che adesso è in sconto e ha la custodia in un tessuto tipo spugna."

"Another quite popular format, but not so present in the common imagination of the hot water bag, is the long one. A kind of hot cylinder that you can practically "wear" wrapping it around your waist or around the neck. For example when reading on the couch or if you have pain to relieve in different parts of the body. This one from YUYU Bottle, it is a little over 80 cm long, has its own cotton case with a drawstring and loop that allows you to close it like a donut, and the body of the bag is made of biodegradable rubber." 

To read the full article, head here




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