How to make your period slightly more bearable!

"How did I not know about this until just now? This is revolutionary!"

Bethany Austin is the writer of the ‘curly and wordy’ blog and contacted us to collaborate after it had eased the pain of menstrual cramps.

In Bethany’s words, read her blog post below on the YUYU bottle.

When I say that this is about to change your life, you better believe me.

The YUYU is the world's first long hot water bottle. And by "long" I mean, long enough to wrap all the way around yourself from crampy tummy to achy back. You're probably thinking something along the lines of "how the bloody hell did I not know about this until just now? This is revolutionary!" because, girl, me too. After all, we all know that heat therapy works absolute wonders at calming down cramps naturally, without the need for paracetamol. But the fact that this bad boy has a tie-up fastening, leaving your hands free to do more important things (searching Netflix, stuffing chocolate in your face etc) is an absolute game changer. Plus, it stays warm for up to 8 hours, which means that this bad boy will continue to comfort you throughout the night or the whole time you're sat at your desk.

I bought my YUYU hot water bottle in the grey fleece, which is super snuggly, and I've used it pretty much constantly throughout my periods ever since getting it. Imagining life without it brings a tear to my eye (although, to be fair, that could be PMS). Honestly, you need one in your life. Now.


Do you have a YUYU experience you would like to share? Please email us at or share on our social media pages!

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