YUYU Bottle featured in Medical News Today


"When an individual applies heat to the skin, the blood vessels open, and blood flow to the area increases. This blood flow helps relax muscles and reduce lactic acid buildup, which soothes aches and pains."

"A 2016 study on 388 students found that nonpharmacological treatments are a common method of pain relief. One of the most popular nonpharmacological treatments involved applying heat to the affected area.

Additionally, a 2015 study on mice found that mild heat therapy was useful in managing arthritis pain."

YUYU Bottle - Best wraparound design


"This bottle is a wraparound model with eight available designs available. It features a meter-long drawstring, meaning a person can tie it around their body. It is also flexible and lightweight.

The bottle is eco-friendly and consists of Sri Lankan biodegradable rubber. It has bumps on the surface to help retain heat and comes with a cotton cover.

It also has a water-resistant lining, so a person can add ice cubes to turn it into a cold compress."

 To read the full article, head here.



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