YUYU Bottle article about Endometriosis - featured in the Metro

7 ways to cope with endometriosis pain 

By Emily-Jane Clark


Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2018/05/20/7-ways-to-cope-with-endometriosis-pain-7550611/?ito=cbshare

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetroUK/

"I have also recently discovered the YUYU hot water bottle, which is long and thin so that you can wrap it all around your tummy and tie it up. It’s been a life changer for me as I can now walk around with my hands free and take the soothing heat with me."

To read the full article: https://metro.co.uk/2018/05/20/7-ways-to-cope-with-endometriosis-pain-7550611/


"Pre menstrual cramps, before the menstrual cramps, before the endometriosis pain, before the ovulation cramps. I love being a woman. But I now have this awesome @yuyubottle which helps massively. Like having a hug from a friendly hot snake...or something." @emilyjane.clark


Find the author of the article on instagram at @emilyjane.clark

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