Diastasis Recti, IBS and a YUYU Bottle

I have been using my YUYU Bottle to help with my two main issues when it comes to stomach cramps and back pain! The YUYU Bottle I have is from the White Label range and these ones are designed specifically for easing chronic pain as they're wider than the usual YUYU Bottle so they cover more service area. The YUYU Bottle has been amazing for me for helping to relieve my back and stomach pain I love it!

Since having my first child four years ago I have sufferd with diastasis recti (separated stomach muscles) which can happen to so many women during and after pregnancy. Disasitis recti causes many physical symptoms but the main one is back pain, this is because when our abdominal muscles have been weakened from Diastasis Recti, our back muscles take the strain of all the lifting so it's important to avoid any unnecessary twisting and heavy lifting. But having two small kid's it isn't always possible to avoid so I regulary get a lot of pain in my back and over the years I have tried multiple things to help from heat pads to the usual hot water bottle but they don't cover much service area so they haven't been a big help.

I tend to take my YUYU with me when I go to bed and place it on my stomach to help me to relax and ease the cramps

But since I received my YUYU Bottle I have been able to wrap it all around my painful area and it has help massively. It's made such a difference and I love that I can wear the it around the house whilst doing the house work and running around after two little ones.

I was diagnosed with IBS some years ago now but it use to come and go, It did go away for about a year but it's come back this year and doesn't seem to want to leave me alone. IBS causes a lot of stomach cramps and bloating for me and having the YuYu Bottle to help soothe these cramps has been amazing! The same way you would use it for menstrual cramps it helps just as well for issue's like IBS. IBS is something that effects me everyday and again like with the disasitis recti I have tried many ways to help ease the pain.

I have also been prescribed medication from my GP that actually hasn't helped so I always go back to some source of heat to soothe the pain and YuYu has been the best help out of everything I have tried. I find with IBS, I get a lot of the stomach cramps in the evening and during the night so I tend to take my YUYU with me when I go to bed and place it on my stomach to help me to relax and ease the cramps. I couldn't be without my YUYU Bottle now!


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